The Jets will not stay on the West Coast between their games against the Seahawks and Rams.

Adam Gase said Friday that the Jets will return home between the Week 14 and 15 games due to COVID-19 protocols. Initially, the Jets had planned to stay out west, but Gase doesn’t want to have his players trapped in a hotel all week.

“It’s hard enough when we’re home, the last thing we need to do is create an insane asylum at some hotel,” Gase said, per’s Andy Vasquez.

Gase is looking out for the mental health of the players. This year has already been crazy enough with COVID-19 and he doesn’t want to make it even harder on the team by staying on the road all week.

Gase added that, at least for him, that being around the players has helped him during this tough year. He was disappointed when the NFL made Mondays and Tuesdays virtual days because it means less time around the players.

However, in this particular season, everyone has to do their part to keep each other healthy and safe. Gase understands that, and the Jets are adapting as they go.